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MovieMania: Your Movie Base

5,000+ downloads

About MovieMania: Your Movie Base

Please note: MovieMania is not for watching movies or TV shows.

With MovieMania you'll get access to all movie and celebrity information.
Watch trailers, rate movies and track what you want to watch or you've already seen.

Discover what to watch and where you can watch it. Explore popular, now playing, upcoming or top rated movies.

Create unlimited number of your personalized lists along with favourites movies, celebrities and production companies. See detailed statistics of your watch lists and what genres or places you prefer the most.

Search for specific movie, person or production company. Share, download movie and celebrity images. Open them on IMDB, Youtube and social networks or quick browse movies and celebrities to get even more information via google search.

TV Shows will be available in future releases. I'm already working on it so stay tuned!

Thanks for patience, for your reviews on Google Play ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and feedback you can send me via email.

MovieMania: Your Movie Base Screenshots