The application contains a bank of 500 questions and a driving test simulator.
It also has the requirements and authorized banks that are necessary to obtain your driver's license, in its different categories.
The application does not represent any government entity of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the information expressed in the application is the sole responsibility of the application. All information was compiled from the official pages and documents of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The requirements were compiled from the official page of the Procedures Portal of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, link:
The authorized banks were compiled from the official SEGIP website, link:
The question bank was compiled from the following documents:
- Resolution 063/2006 that updates fines for violations.
- Law No. 3988 that elevates the traffic code to the rank of law.
- D.S. No. 0420 of Immediate Revocation that sanctions drunk drivers.
- Law No. 145 SEGILIC that assigns responsibilities for the extension of driver's licenses.
If you need more information, you can visit the official SEGIP website
Test yourself and obtain your license in an easy and simple way.
It also has the requirements and authorized banks that are necessary to obtain your driver's license, in its different categories.
The application does not represent any government entity of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the information expressed in the application is the sole responsibility of the application. All information was compiled from the official pages and documents of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The requirements were compiled from the official page of the Procedures Portal of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, link:
The authorized banks were compiled from the official SEGIP website, link:
The question bank was compiled from the following documents:
- Resolution 063/2006 that updates fines for violations.
- Law No. 3988 that elevates the traffic code to the rank of law.
- D.S. No. 0420 of Immediate Revocation that sanctions drunk drivers.
- Law No. 145 SEGILIC that assigns responsibilities for the extension of driver's licenses.
If you need more information, you can visit the official SEGIP website
Test yourself and obtain your license in an easy and simple way.
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