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​Football Score & Schedule

50,000+ downloads

About ​Football Score & Schedule

Live Score & Schedule - Football

​Football Score & Schedule app gives results in competitions, players and teams from various leagues. Matches are giving a lot of detailed information about lineups and goal statistics, cards, fouls and more.

Key Features:
- Football Leagues
- Schedules by Day & League
- Match Details (Statistic, Line Up, Key Events)
- Share on Social

We would appreciate your valuable feedback. If you like this app then share with others.

If you find any problem please contact us at alexbill2012@gmail.com
Hope this app will help you track your favorite teams and players :)

Disclaimer :
We do not endorse or support any channel or any company. This app is distributed "as is" without warranty of any kind and the user may use it on his/her own risk. This app provides a fun way to use factual data and interact with other people in the form of a game.

​Football Score & Schedule Screenshots