My GPS trails lets you record your journeys. It's a perfect companion for your outdoor activities like trekking, hiking, running, biking, hunting etc. Whether you are exploring a new route or going for an adventure in the forest, you can track your trail and never get lost. Trails can also be saved so that you can visit them again. This way you can have your own directory of trails.
So if you are trekker, hiker, runner or may be simply like to discover new routes or explore the city, the app has got you covered.
Key Features
☆ Track and record the trails on map with clear indication of start and end point
☆ Real time location tracking using on device GPS system
☆ Works in the background
☆ Saved trails folder to review past trails
☆ Option to change map base layer (street, satellite, terrain)
So if you are trekker, hiker, runner or may be simply like to discover new routes or explore the city, the app has got you covered.
Key Features
☆ Track and record the trails on map with clear indication of start and end point
☆ Real time location tracking using on device GPS system
☆ Works in the background
☆ Saved trails folder to review past trails
☆ Option to change map base layer (street, satellite, terrain)
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