TӘRTIP RADIOSY - tatar medәniyaten, sәngaten, tarikhin һәm anyk kyimmәtlәren saklauny maksat ittep kuygan unique contently khalyk radios.
Efirda 24 sәgat altyn hitlar, kabatlanmas monar, classic әsәrlәr һәm syyfatly zamancha music yңgyry.
Әlege kushymta radion online regimeda tyulau, shulay uk Tertip radio stations efirynda chykkan progamarny menuny Т “Tapshirular” өleshendә үzegesgә uңayly vakytta tyңlau mөmkinlegen birә.
Bezne Kazanda 93.1 FM һәm Yar Chalyda 90.2 FM eshlyklarynda tyңlagyz!
Bezneң rәsmi website: tartip.tatar
Үtkәn belәn kөtkәn arasynda serle kүper kilә salasy!
Tүkmi-chәchmi milli hәzinәne chorlar asha ozata barasy!
TARTIP is a popular Tatar radio, on the air of which everyone's favorite Tatar folk songs are heard.
The mission of the radio station is to build a bridge between the past and the future, bring national melodies and folk songs to the mass audience, convey to future generations the beauty and richness of the native language, history, national traditions, customs, cultural and literary heritage of the Tatar people
With this application, you can listen to Tertip radio online, as well as listen to podcasts.
Efirda 24 sәgat altyn hitlar, kabatlanmas monar, classic әsәrlәr һәm syyfatly zamancha music yңgyry.
Әlege kushymta radion online regimeda tyulau, shulay uk Tertip radio stations efirynda chykkan progamarny menuny Т “Tapshirular” өleshendә үzegesgә uңayly vakytta tyңlau mөmkinlegen birә.
Bezne Kazanda 93.1 FM һәm Yar Chalyda 90.2 FM eshlyklarynda tyңlagyz!
Bezneң rәsmi website: tartip.tatar
Үtkәn belәn kөtkәn arasynda serle kүper kilә salasy!
Tүkmi-chәchmi milli hәzinәne chorlar asha ozata barasy!
TARTIP is a popular Tatar radio, on the air of which everyone's favorite Tatar folk songs are heard.
The mission of the radio station is to build a bridge between the past and the future, bring national melodies and folk songs to the mass audience, convey to future generations the beauty and richness of the native language, history, national traditions, customs, cultural and literary heritage of the Tatar people
With this application, you can listen to Tertip radio online, as well as listen to podcasts.
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