Convenient and easy to use mobile application for call taxis.
To call a taxi you need to take a few simple steps:
- Click on the "Call Taxi" and confirm the address.
Key features:
- Automatic detection of addresses from a GPS;
- Display on the map the location of machines taxi drivers in real time;
- Maintaining order history;
- Possibility of manual entry of the address (in the absence of GPS);
- Enter the address with the card (see the screenshot.).
To call a taxi you need to take a few simple steps:
- Click on the "Call Taxi" and confirm the address.
Key features:
- Automatic detection of addresses from a GPS;
- Display on the map the location of machines taxi drivers in real time;
- Maintaining order history;
- Possibility of manual entry of the address (in the absence of GPS);
- Enter the address with the card (see the screenshot.).
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