Use a simple and convenient way to order a taxi in Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk. With the mobile app, the wellgo personal driver is always at hand.
👉 Order a taxi in a couple of seconds
Open the application, enter the address and order a taxi by pressing one button.
⚡️ Checkout even faster
Save the places you frequent. Home, work, friends. Choose from saved options so you don't have to manually enter an address.
✍ Edit order
Change wishes, destination address and tariff.
👨 Call a relative or friend a taxi
Use the option “Call a taxi for someone else” in the “Wishes” section and indicate his phone number. When the taxi arrives, an SMS will be sent to the specified number, and you will receive a message in the application.
👍 Rate the trip and the driver
Rate your trip with ready-made templates. If you enjoyed the ride, thank the driver with a tip.
📅 Order in advance
Need a car by a specific time and date? Order it in advance through the application, and at the appointed time, a taxi will be waiting for you at the entrance.
🔥 Be the first to know about promotions and news
We will send a notification about the launch of the promotion, tariff changes or new promotional codes. Install the application wellgo personal driver, register and stay up to date with all the news and events.
👉 Order a taxi in a couple of seconds
Open the application, enter the address and order a taxi by pressing one button.
⚡️ Checkout even faster
Save the places you frequent. Home, work, friends. Choose from saved options so you don't have to manually enter an address.
✍ Edit order
Change wishes, destination address and tariff.
👨 Call a relative or friend a taxi
Use the option “Call a taxi for someone else” in the “Wishes” section and indicate his phone number. When the taxi arrives, an SMS will be sent to the specified number, and you will receive a message in the application.
👍 Rate the trip and the driver
Rate your trip with ready-made templates. If you enjoyed the ride, thank the driver with a tip.
📅 Order in advance
Need a car by a specific time and date? Order it in advance through the application, and at the appointed time, a taxi will be waiting for you at the entrance.
🔥 Be the first to know about promotions and news
We will send a notification about the launch of the promotion, tariff changes or new promotional codes. Install the application wellgo personal driver, register and stay up to date with all the news and events.
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