Practice JLPT Exam fill in the icon

Practice JLPT Exam fill in the

Fair Share IT Services Pvt. Ltd.
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About Practice JLPT Exam fill in the

Japanese (Nihongo) is a language spoken by over 130 million people, mainly in Japan and by Japanese communities around the world. The Japanese Language courses Skills will be of great interest to students of the Japanese language. People travelling to Japan for business or on vacation, or even someone who is simply interested in Japanese culture. The JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test has five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5. The Japanese language can be understood formally as a set of linguistic characteristics, or, subjectively, as a way of experiencing and ordering the world.

This app shall be used to organize online tests for school students. Module has ‘Drop the correct Options’ type of questions. Students shall be able to fill the blanks with options given. In this module students can check the answers, can navigate to the previous as well next screen. Also can restart the test. Module will have a “refresh data” button to load the updated questions. Teachers can modify questions using google sheet.

Practice JLPT Exam fill in the Screenshots