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About HomeCareTech

HomeCareTech is an end-to-end telehealth platform developed by Med2Me S.r.l., which, on the one hand, guarantees greater continuity of care for the patient, who can receive various types of healthcare services directly at home, and, on the other, allows to doctors and health professionals to have a simplified digital management of their activities.
Specifically, HCT allows you to: plan and perform diagnostic tests in telemedicine, carry out televised and teleconsultations, monitor vital parameters remotely, manage activities within social and health structures (allows the scheduling of examinations, absences of guests or staff, reporting of guest activities, etc.), as well as keeping a history of patients' activities, reports and measurements, thus creating an integrated medical record.
Currently, through the App it is possible to carry out telemonitoring, televising and teleconsulting. HCT, in fact, communicates with Hi-Tech health devices via Bluetooth which can detect the following parameters:
• Heart rate;
• Breath frequency;
• Temperature;
• Blood pressure;
• Body weight;
• Blood oxygenation.
Which parameters to monitor, the detection frequency and the standard thresholds, are defined a priori patient by patient, thus building treatment plans tailored to him. The App will send him a notification every time he has to perform a measurement and, when the parameters go out of the patient's standard range, the doctor is promptly notified via an alerting system and can immediately get in touch with him, thanks to the chat system. and television integrated into HCT, improving doctor-patient dialogue and the quality of health care.
Why Choose HCT?
• The patient is monitored at his home, without the need for travel (lower risk of contagion, lower decompensation for fragile subjects);
• Home intervention is limited to cases of actual need, not to a priori planning;
• The doctor's intervention is timely and more accurate;
• Waiting and health management times are significantly shorter;
• A greater doctor-patient dialogue is generated;
• The information is accessible only to registered users and subjected to visibility controls;
• The system keeps track of all the activities carried out within the platform, respecting legal compliance.