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The Buddha and the Sangha were warmly received by the Shakyamuni royal family with great ceremony, and greeted by the Nigrodhārāma Vihara, a vihara set up by the Sakyas. for Buddha. Arriving at the vihara, the Buddha sat on a special seat and dressed in silence among the twenty thousand Arahants. The Sakyas who are conceited because of their rank and high status think: "This Prince Siddhattha has a smaller role than us. He's just our brother, our nephew." Filled with such conceit, they said to their lesser relatives, "You should bow your heads to the Buddha. And we will stand behind you.”

The Buddha foresaw the conceit of the Sakyans about their lineage, thinking to himself: "My conceited relatives don't know that they have grown old and haven't accomplished anything useful for themselves. surname. They know nothing of the majesty of a Buddha. Nor do they know anything about the nature of a Buddha. I will show them the incomparable power of a Buddha by manifesting the Twins of water and fire. I will create a path of jewels in the middle of nowhere, a platform as wide as ten thousand worlds. Then I will walk on it and pour down the rain that suits each person's character." As soon as the Buddha made such a decision, the gods and Brahmas praised in unison.

Then the Buddha used the white object to enter the fourth jhāna. After coming out of the fourth jhāna, he made a vow to let light spread over ten thousand worlds. Immediately, the whole saha realm was filled with brilliant light before the joy of mankind, gods, and Brahma. Then the Buddha used his supernatural powers to fly into the air and manifest the Twin Powers (Yamakapāṭihāriya) causing fire and water to splatter all over his body, (1) from the top and bottom of the feet, (2) the front and back, (3) from the eyes, (4) from the ears, (5) from the nose, (6) from the shoulders, (7) from the hands, (8) from the sides of the body, (9) from the tables feet, (10) from the fingers and toes and from between the fingers and between the toes, (11) from each hair on the trunk, and (12) from each pore on the trunk. Those sparks and water fell on crowds of people, groups of devas like the Buddha scattering dust from under his feet on their heads. The Buddha's dual manifestation of water and fire created a miracle of his great majesty, causing all the Sakyas to marvel and respect, cheering incessantly.

After manifesting the dual communication, the Buddha created a brilliant jeweled path, from east to west, reaching as far as ten thousand worlds, he walked on that jeweled path and preached the Dharma to gods and humans , in accordance with their nature.

At that time, the elder Sariputta (Sariputra) who was staying at Gijjakutapabbata (Spiritual Mountain) by his supernatural powers saw all the events that had taken place in Kapilavatthu and said to himself: "Now I will go to the destination. The Buddha and asked him to recount his predecessors, the predecessors of the bodhisattvas, and the perfections that they had fully practiced."

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