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PPID Itera - Pusat Pelayanan I

ITERA Development
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About PPID Itera - Pusat Pelayanan I

ITERA is a new State University (PTN) in Lampung Province which was formed based on Presidential Regulation No. 124 of 2014 concerning the Establishment of the Sumatra Institute of Technology on October 6, 2014, and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was appointed as its coach. Going forward, ITERA is expected to be a tertiary institution with a reputation and quality equivalent to ITB.
As the name implies, ITERA not only stands to advance Lampung, but can also contribute to the empowerment of the potential that exists in the region of Sumatra in particular, and Indonesia and the world, through excellence in education, research, and community service in the fields of science, technology, art, and humanities.
In addition to providing quality academic and non-academic services for the entire Academic Community, ITERA is also committed to providing the best information services to the community. This is a form of implementation of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Openness (UU KIP).
Information is always broadcast and disseminated through various media, such as websites, and various social media accounts. With the use of social media, various information that is useful for the community and in the campus environment can be conveyed immediately.

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