Blockchain 420: TLCC Coin icon

Blockchain 420: TLCC Coin

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About Blockchain 420: TLCC Coin

Blockchain 420 Inc is the parent company to The Love Care Coin (TLCC) a soon-to-be released “brand new cryptocurrency with an ICO happening RIGHT NOW” cryptocurrency that will disrupt the banking system by giving the control of currency to the people for peer-to-peer and business transactions. TLCC will also enable to bank-less across the world to obtain a method of financial control allowing everyone the financial freedom that should be a basic human right. TLCC’s ICO will be is happening now allowing early investors to get in on the crypto coin while it is still affordable to everyone. With this we will be offering affiliate links in order for people to make a profit by sharing the LOVE with others. TLCC has a DeFi platform. What is DeFi? Decentralized finance is a blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on central financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks to offer traditional financial instruments, and instead utilizes smart contracts on blockchain. TLCC has allocated 20% of all profits to go directly into benefiting people from all around the world.

Our Higher Love Foundation will allocate these profits to go DIRECTLY to help the people of the world with direct assist where needed, this will directly disrupt the misuse of charity funds by providing DIRECT assistance to those in need. We will have a board of outside individuals, worldwide who will decide where the funds are allocated to. People from various countries, various lifestyles and various races will all benefit.

Blockchain Quantum will be disrupting the educational system and lack thereof by releasing affordable laptop computers, using a price point that will include a large percentage of people worldwide who otherwise would not be able to afford this much needed tool. Staying with our corporate policy, 20% of all laptops manufacturered will be given free to select people around the world who otherwise would not be able to have one.

Blockchain Entertainment is currently working with various artist in the music industry as well as graphic design artist and graffiti artist to create digital NTF artwork. Artist, musicians, producers, etc that use Blockchain Entertainment as their agent is guaranteed fair profits from their work which will bring disruption to the entertainment industry as we know it, where a person behind a desk makes 100x more profit that the person with the talent, this is wrong and will face disruption giving the artist/musicians fair profits.

Blockchain 420: TLCC Coin Screenshots