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ইজতেমার বয়ান

BD Islamic Apps
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About ইজতেমার বয়ান

Tongi Ijtema what we know as the World Muslim Congregation.
Murabbidera an attempt to combine the statement.
While listening to the advantage of sitting on the ground, it is possible to achieve at Mobile Taseer in any way.
006 out of 2018 (two percent) of the series of statements is assembled here.
Nizamuddin, Raiwind & kakaraila of Ulema and mubabbira statement of Tabligh.
006 from 2018 to last all boyan application is provided.
The Tabligh bayanagulo invitation only useful for dealing with Muslims, but great for all Muslims who wish to follow the religion of Islam.

Adiogulote Bengali translation or interpretation, the majority of the statement in Urdu
The statement,
Brother Abdul Wahab chaba
Maulana Ahmad crumpled sub
Maulana Jubair chaba
Maulana Saad sub
Maulana Yousuf sub
Maulana Jamshed sub
Maulana Khurshid sub
Maulana Abdur Rahman, sub
Maulana Shaukat sub
Maulana Ismail sub godara
Maulana Jubair chaba (blessing)

Bengali Islamic applications

TopOfStack Software Limited


Bangla Islamic App

The app contains boyan / speech of tongi ijtema that is known as 'World Ijtema' given by Elders of Toblig from Nizamuddin, Raiwind & Kakrail.

2006 up to latest 2018 all boyan are provided here.

The speech are not only helpful for muslims related to dawat e tabligh but also helpful for all muslims to want to follow Deen Islam.

The audios contain translations or torjoma in bengali or bangla as well where main speech is in Urdu.

ইজতেমার বয়ান Screenshots