Crypto tracker AI for traders! Get profitable coin alerts when high potential trend breaks, squeezes and flash price changes happen. Let AI track & detect the triangles and breakouts for you!
Coin Push tracks cryptocurrency prices from most popular exchanges, runs complex mathematical functions on the fly to detect imminent movements and trend-breaks.
Live charts and more
Live prices, candlestick charts, today's gainers, losers and latest signals are at your fingertips. You will find top 70 coins/tokens at Coin Push Crypto Signals. Pick your favorite symbols or follow'em all. Even 1 second candles are available at the app!
Crypto day traders keep looking at lots of price graphs all day long to catch meaningful patterns and decide "Which coin to buy right now?".
It's a really good idea to delegate this work to the machines instead of getting lost in the graphics all day. Starting at that point, we have created a handy tool for ourselves. Thanks to API connections we have established with major exchanges, Coin Push tracks and analyzes flowing data much more efficiently than humans. It detects the squeeze patterns on the graphics lightning-fast and sends immediate notifications: coin alerts!
We are now happy to share this tool with all traders in the cryptosphere.
How it works?
Coin Push server collects live data from most popular exchanges using APIs. Runs complex mathematical functions on the fly to detect possible squeezes and trend breaks.
It aims to replace day traders chart tracking/analyzing efforts as much as possible.
Get coin trading signals for:
Bitcoin (BTCUSD), Ethereum (ETHUSD), Binance Coin (BNBUSD), XRP (XRPUSD), Cardano (ADAUSD), Dogecoin (DOGEUSD), Polkadot (DOTUSD), Umiswap (UNIUSD), Litecoin (LTCUSD), Bitcoin Cash (BCHUSD), Chainlink (LINKUSD), Solana (SOLUSD), Vechain (VETUSD), Theta (THETAUSD), Stellar (XLMUSD), Filecoin (FILUSD), Tron (TRXUSD), Monero (XMRUSD), Terra (LUNAUSD), Neo (NEOUSD), Klaytn (KLAYUSD), Pancakeswap (CAKEUSD), Iota (IOTAUSD), Eos (EOSUSD), Aave (AAVEUSD), FTX Token (FTTUSDT), Bittorrent (BTTUSD), Cosmos (ATOMUSD), Maker (MKRUSD), Tezos (XTZUSD), Ethereum Classic (ETCUSD), Algorand (ALGOUSD), Avalanche (AVAXUSD), Compound (COMPUSD), Thorchain (RUNEUSD), Kusama (KSMUSD), Elrond (EGLDUSD), Dash (DASHUSD), Nem (XEMUSD), Polygon (MATICUSD), Zcash (ZECUSD), Chiliz (CHZUSD), Decentraland (MANAUSD), Hedera Hashgraph (HBARUSD), Holo (HOTUSD), Stacks (STXUSD), Ecash (XECUSD), Axie Infinity (AXSUSD), Quant (QNTUSD), Near (NEARUSD), The Graph (GRTUSD), Fantom (FTMUSD), Waves (WAVESUSD), Helium (HNTUSD), Aweawe (ARUSD), Theta Fuel (TFUELUSD), Harmony (ONEUSD), Sushiswap (SUSHIUSD), OMG Network (OMGUSD), Synthetix (SNXUSD), Enjin Coin (ENJUSD), Mina (MINAUSD), Flow (FLOWUSD), Icon (ICXUSD), Curve Dao (CRVUSD), Qtum (QTUMUSD), Siba Inu (SHIBUSD), Internet Computer (ICPUSD), The Sandbox (SANDUSD), Gala (GALAUSD), Alien Worlds (TLMUSD).
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Coin Push tracks cryptocurrency prices from most popular exchanges, runs complex mathematical functions on the fly to detect imminent movements and trend-breaks.
Live charts and more
Live prices, candlestick charts, today's gainers, losers and latest signals are at your fingertips. You will find top 70 coins/tokens at Coin Push Crypto Signals. Pick your favorite symbols or follow'em all. Even 1 second candles are available at the app!
Crypto day traders keep looking at lots of price graphs all day long to catch meaningful patterns and decide "Which coin to buy right now?".
It's a really good idea to delegate this work to the machines instead of getting lost in the graphics all day. Starting at that point, we have created a handy tool for ourselves. Thanks to API connections we have established with major exchanges, Coin Push tracks and analyzes flowing data much more efficiently than humans. It detects the squeeze patterns on the graphics lightning-fast and sends immediate notifications: coin alerts!
We are now happy to share this tool with all traders in the cryptosphere.
How it works?
Coin Push server collects live data from most popular exchanges using APIs. Runs complex mathematical functions on the fly to detect possible squeezes and trend breaks.
It aims to replace day traders chart tracking/analyzing efforts as much as possible.
Get coin trading signals for:
Bitcoin (BTCUSD), Ethereum (ETHUSD), Binance Coin (BNBUSD), XRP (XRPUSD), Cardano (ADAUSD), Dogecoin (DOGEUSD), Polkadot (DOTUSD), Umiswap (UNIUSD), Litecoin (LTCUSD), Bitcoin Cash (BCHUSD), Chainlink (LINKUSD), Solana (SOLUSD), Vechain (VETUSD), Theta (THETAUSD), Stellar (XLMUSD), Filecoin (FILUSD), Tron (TRXUSD), Monero (XMRUSD), Terra (LUNAUSD), Neo (NEOUSD), Klaytn (KLAYUSD), Pancakeswap (CAKEUSD), Iota (IOTAUSD), Eos (EOSUSD), Aave (AAVEUSD), FTX Token (FTTUSDT), Bittorrent (BTTUSD), Cosmos (ATOMUSD), Maker (MKRUSD), Tezos (XTZUSD), Ethereum Classic (ETCUSD), Algorand (ALGOUSD), Avalanche (AVAXUSD), Compound (COMPUSD), Thorchain (RUNEUSD), Kusama (KSMUSD), Elrond (EGLDUSD), Dash (DASHUSD), Nem (XEMUSD), Polygon (MATICUSD), Zcash (ZECUSD), Chiliz (CHZUSD), Decentraland (MANAUSD), Hedera Hashgraph (HBARUSD), Holo (HOTUSD), Stacks (STXUSD), Ecash (XECUSD), Axie Infinity (AXSUSD), Quant (QNTUSD), Near (NEARUSD), The Graph (GRTUSD), Fantom (FTMUSD), Waves (WAVESUSD), Helium (HNTUSD), Aweawe (ARUSD), Theta Fuel (TFUELUSD), Harmony (ONEUSD), Sushiswap (SUSHIUSD), OMG Network (OMGUSD), Synthetix (SNXUSD), Enjin Coin (ENJUSD), Mina (MINAUSD), Flow (FLOWUSD), Icon (ICXUSD), Curve Dao (CRVUSD), Qtum (QTUMUSD), Siba Inu (SHIBUSD), Internet Computer (ICPUSD), The Sandbox (SANDUSD), Gala (GALAUSD), Alien Worlds (TLMUSD).
Trade responsibly and please share your feedback!
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