Using this app you can:
* check out the routes of buses in Tbilisi. This feature is also available offline.
* search certain bus stops using their id or the name of street, and check arrival time of buses.
* monitor live bus locations.
* bookmark favorite bus stops and check out available info about them, both when you are connected to the internet and when you are offline.
App uses REST API servces of
Icons that are used in the app are made by Smashicons, freepik, turkkub and good ware from .
* check out the routes of buses in Tbilisi. This feature is also available offline.
* search certain bus stops using their id or the name of street, and check arrival time of buses.
* monitor live bus locations.
* bookmark favorite bus stops and check out available info about them, both when you are connected to the internet and when you are offline.
App uses REST API servces of
Icons that are used in the app are made by Smashicons, freepik, turkkub and good ware from .
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