This application includes the full text of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of October 30, which approves the revised text of the Law of the Basic Statute of Public Employees.
Last text update 07/07/2021.
It is also sorted by titles for a better search:
- Preamble.
- Title I.
- Title II.
- Title III.
- Title IV.
- Title V.
- Title VI.
- Title VII.
- Title VIII.
- Additional Provisions.
- Transitory dispositions.
- Repeal Provisions.
- Final Provisions.
It is not necessary to have internet to view the texts, there is no advertising on the screens that show the text (only in the menu), differentiated articles in color giving more life to the paragraphs, it is compatible with tablets.
This application is a good resource for your opposition, it takes up little time and you don't have to search the internet until you find the article you are looking for, updated with each modification. Made by opponents for opponents, knowing what is needed and offering it so you don't waste valuable time.
What is not included in this application?
- Training test.
- The results template for the exam you are enrolled in.
- A spare pen.
- A timer that adapts to the time of the exam.
- An appointment with the official who prepares the test.
- A strong coffee.
- The paid receipt of your academy.
- The location of the toilets in the area where you are being examined.
- The cancellation of all family commitments for the year.
- The tranquility and relaxation before the exam.
- A good match.
If it has been helpful, do not hesitate to leave a good comment and good evaluation!
Last text update 07/07/2021.
It is also sorted by titles for a better search:
- Preamble.
- Title I.
- Title II.
- Title III.
- Title IV.
- Title V.
- Title VI.
- Title VII.
- Title VIII.
- Additional Provisions.
- Transitory dispositions.
- Repeal Provisions.
- Final Provisions.
It is not necessary to have internet to view the texts, there is no advertising on the screens that show the text (only in the menu), differentiated articles in color giving more life to the paragraphs, it is compatible with tablets.
This application is a good resource for your opposition, it takes up little time and you don't have to search the internet until you find the article you are looking for, updated with each modification. Made by opponents for opponents, knowing what is needed and offering it so you don't waste valuable time.
What is not included in this application?
- Training test.
- The results template for the exam you are enrolled in.
- A spare pen.
- A timer that adapts to the time of the exam.
- An appointment with the official who prepares the test.
- A strong coffee.
- The paid receipt of your academy.
- The location of the toilets in the area where you are being examined.
- The cancellation of all family commitments for the year.
- The tranquility and relaxation before the exam.
- A good match.
If it has been helpful, do not hesitate to leave a good comment and good evaluation!
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