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Lead Core Depth Calculator

Gone Fishing
3.4 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Lead Core Depth Calculator

Note: App GPS feature Requires Location Permissions on user Device!

Fishing with lead core line for trout, bass, walleye or salmon know more "Precisely” depth you're trolling.

Lead Core is an inexpensive way to get down to depths where fish are located. Line is marked with different color, each ten yards in length. Amount of line out, trolling speed and lure weight determine lure depth. This App insures depth accuracy for increase catch results.

Basic rules of depth per color & incomplete charts lack accuracy. Small changes in trolling speed can make substantial difference in depth. This App displays the effect of such changes and provides the needed adjustment of line out for depth accuracy.

Emailed Question received.
I’ve been told to just figure 5 feet depth for every color you let out, why do I need an App.

My Answer
That’s a general stated rule that can be very inaccurate. Tests revealed 18lb test with 5 colors out trolling 1.8 mph, and 2.7 mph results in 17 feet difference and 3 colors out at 1.6 mph, and 2.6 mph a 11.6 feet difference. At slower speeds a few tenths difference will have a substantial change in depth.

Over 160 actual depth readings were used from .7 to 4.0 mph.
App is easy to use and ensures improved trolling depth accuracy. App has substantially increased my total seasonal catch.

How to Use

Enter speed, and desired depth and App displays required colors out. Or enter colors out and see your current depth. You can change entered trolling speed to see the resulting impact in depth.

Lead Core Brand Compensator (Update 5/27/18)

The App was created for use with Sufix Performance Lead core and tested with #18 #27 and #36 lb test. The difference between #18 and #27 test was so slight it’s not a selection option. When using Sufix Performance the App is Very Accurate. Brand compensator (Not needed for Sufix Performance) provides a means to use most other types of core by setting the differential amount. Users have report results are very good with most other brands/types up to 4.5 to 5 colors out.
To determine the differential, troll at 2.5 MPH let line colors out until you hit bottom. (Bottom depth best between 24 to 36 feet and should be at least 20’). Then determine the average feet per color for that depth. Take the difference of the App feet per color for the same depth at 2.5 MPH and apply that difference to the closest setting of the compensator in settings (Sel. Minus/Plus Feet per Color). If your brand depth was greater adjust the closest amount.15 to 3.50, if less adjust to closest minus amount -.10 to -3.75. The new setting is permanent until you change it or return to default setting 0.0 feet..

Auto GPS Speed

Enter basics, and amount of colors out, then activate the Auto GPS Speed feature to monitor depth as speed changes. This feature has built in averaging, and auto restart interval to better match the actual changes in Lead Core Depth.

Note: GPS accuracy is dependent on your device/phone GPS Satellite acquisition accuracy and suited for extremely calm days only.

Speech On

Turning Speech On will voice your expected depth or required colors out in standard mode and when activated with Auto GPS Speed Mode - Speech On starts announcing Depth and continues announcing in the set adjustable interval, keeping you informed of changes in depth in relation to your speed for complete hands off use.

Sink Rate Lost Factor
Sink rate is consistent up to 4 colors out, after that flat line effect increases progressively. For accuracy when colors out exceeds 3.9 colors turn on Sink Rate Lost Factor feature.
(Works Only with MPH/Colors Out & Auto GPS Mode.)

IMPORTANT: Activate Sink Rate Lost Factor when exceeding 3.9 colors out for accuracy!

App reviewed on regular basis for improvements.

Limited - fresh water - max 4.1 mph trolling - one spool lead core. Not recommended for mini screens! - May require turning on App permissions in settings.

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Lead Core Depth Calculator Screenshots