Slovak app Weather brings TOP functions for you:
• Warnings for dangerous weather events
• Lightning detector
• Notification and warning if lightning strikes near you
• iRadar with precipitation and storms in Central Europe
• Current weather conditions
• Hourly forecast
• Forecast for up to 10 days
• Lots of widgets and personalization of the entire application
In one application you will get the MOST complex and MORE detailed information about the weather in Slovakia.
❗️ Weather Alerts
If there is a dangerous weather phenomenon in your district, before which we issue a warning, the application will warn you about it and you will be ready in time.
🌩 Flash Detector
In the event of storms over Slovakia, the application will show you a map on the home page where the lightning strikes in the past 30 minutes. On the map you can see what kind of lightning struck, when exactly and where it hit and with what force.
⚡️ Lightning strike notification
If lightning strikes in your area (by default, within a radius of 30 km), the application will send you a notification with information on how far the lightning has struck you. This allows you to hide in safety in time.
💧 iRadar - precision collision radar
In the application you can monitor the progress of precipitation from Germany to Ukraine and from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic. You can find out where the crashes are, when they will reach you or, conversely, when they will stop.
🌞 Current weather
The current weather is a matter of course. The weather is measured at a real meteorological station SHMÚ or at the so-called PWS stations, which are personal weather stations connected to the Internet.
🌤 Weather forecast
Quality forecast of the European numerical model ECMWF from the Norwegian Meteorological Service after hours up to 10 days in advance.
🌈 Widgets and Personalizations
The application contains a large number of widgets and personal settings. You can configure widgets and the application environment according to your own style. You can choose units, application backgrounds, light or dark application theme, fonts or weather icons. We will not force anything on you. You can personalize the application as you like.
There are many devices and our application may not work properly on everyone. However, there is support for you, where we will be happy to solve the problem with you. Therefore, in case of any questions regarding the application, crashes or its malfunction, do not hesitate to contact us immediately at:
• Warnings for dangerous weather events
• Lightning detector
• Notification and warning if lightning strikes near you
• iRadar with precipitation and storms in Central Europe
• Current weather conditions
• Hourly forecast
• Forecast for up to 10 days
• Lots of widgets and personalization of the entire application
In one application you will get the MOST complex and MORE detailed information about the weather in Slovakia.
❗️ Weather Alerts
If there is a dangerous weather phenomenon in your district, before which we issue a warning, the application will warn you about it and you will be ready in time.
🌩 Flash Detector
In the event of storms over Slovakia, the application will show you a map on the home page where the lightning strikes in the past 30 minutes. On the map you can see what kind of lightning struck, when exactly and where it hit and with what force.
⚡️ Lightning strike notification
If lightning strikes in your area (by default, within a radius of 30 km), the application will send you a notification with information on how far the lightning has struck you. This allows you to hide in safety in time.
💧 iRadar - precision collision radar
In the application you can monitor the progress of precipitation from Germany to Ukraine and from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic. You can find out where the crashes are, when they will reach you or, conversely, when they will stop.
🌞 Current weather
The current weather is a matter of course. The weather is measured at a real meteorological station SHMÚ or at the so-called PWS stations, which are personal weather stations connected to the Internet.
🌤 Weather forecast
Quality forecast of the European numerical model ECMWF from the Norwegian Meteorological Service after hours up to 10 days in advance.
🌈 Widgets and Personalizations
The application contains a large number of widgets and personal settings. You can configure widgets and the application environment according to your own style. You can choose units, application backgrounds, light or dark application theme, fonts or weather icons. We will not force anything on you. You can personalize the application as you like.
There are many devices and our application may not work properly on everyone. However, there is support for you, where we will be happy to solve the problem with you. Therefore, in case of any questions regarding the application, crashes or its malfunction, do not hesitate to contact us immediately at:
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