A process to grow in the 7 most important areas of life.
Full Description:
Get out of the victim, enter consciousness and redesign the life you deserve.
LOVE to go is a process to grow, according to me, in the 7 most important areas of life that every human who seeks his best version must touch:
-Mind and Emotions
-Time and productivity
-Legacy and Fun
Is it hard for you to exercise? Do you spend more than you earn? Do you always break the diet?
That's why I created LOVE: to stop having the life "that touched you" and push yourself.
A little while, a little bit, but push yourself. If that is what you want.
LOVE to go includes:
-Live with me for follow-up: my job will be to ask you a lot of questions and the joke is that in these lives we philosophize them. There is no fart if you do not come, they remain recorded
-Emotional Engineering: it will be just another member of AMORir and me.
Wiskito or coffee in hand and delve into very personal topics that you would only talk about with a close friend. You could be the one for this.
-Filosofadas and madrazos (in your email): there are those who shit my videos, but they like my emails. That's where I'll send you crazy fucking ideas, that I don't even share on Instagram and could work as emotional alarm clocks.
-Impulses: you will receive other exclusive content (they are not on YouTube, don't even look for it) so that you can delve into each area.
Videos, audios, invitations to chat with me in person and half-smoked ideas that I've been experimenting with AMORir.
You will receive the first impulse as soon as you sign up (inside I explain what it is about).
How much does it cost to enter AMORir?
-Entering the AMORir process, receiving the philosophies, access to exclusive bonus content and follow-up sessions costs $10 per month.
Without contracts, without permanence and without bullshit.
Full Description:
Get out of the victim, enter consciousness and redesign the life you deserve.
LOVE to go is a process to grow, according to me, in the 7 most important areas of life that every human who seeks his best version must touch:
-Mind and Emotions
-Time and productivity
-Legacy and Fun
Is it hard for you to exercise? Do you spend more than you earn? Do you always break the diet?
That's why I created LOVE: to stop having the life "that touched you" and push yourself.
A little while, a little bit, but push yourself. If that is what you want.
LOVE to go includes:
-Live with me for follow-up: my job will be to ask you a lot of questions and the joke is that in these lives we philosophize them. There is no fart if you do not come, they remain recorded
-Emotional Engineering: it will be just another member of AMORir and me.
Wiskito or coffee in hand and delve into very personal topics that you would only talk about with a close friend. You could be the one for this.
-Filosofadas and madrazos (in your email): there are those who shit my videos, but they like my emails. That's where I'll send you crazy fucking ideas, that I don't even share on Instagram and could work as emotional alarm clocks.
-Impulses: you will receive other exclusive content (they are not on YouTube, don't even look for it) so that you can delve into each area.
Videos, audios, invitations to chat with me in person and half-smoked ideas that I've been experimenting with AMORir.
You will receive the first impulse as soon as you sign up (inside I explain what it is about).
How much does it cost to enter AMORir?
-Entering the AMORir process, receiving the philosophies, access to exclusive bonus content and follow-up sessions costs $10 per month.
Without contracts, without permanence and without bullshit.
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