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Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training

Uplifted Yoga LLC
4.6 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training

Demand for our Uplifted™ Online YTT Certification is exploding.
I nearly choke on my chai latte in surprise – and gratitude – when I see the astonishing number of people turning to our 200-Hour and 300-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training programs.
Many of our students are certified yoga teachers who have already gone through in-person trainings in the traditional yoga world and currently teach yoga.
They tell me they come to OUR online training courses because they were disappointed in the scope, curriculum or confidence-building after their first in-person training program.
Their response upon completing our Uplifted trainings has been over-the-top heart-warming.
- 100% of students say my training program met or exceeded their expectations
- 92% would recommend their yoga instructor training experience to a friend
What’s the most rewarding:
Students tell us our training courses not only ignited their yoga teaching career, but also created a positive ripple effect into every aspect of their LIFE.
Our yoga teacher training courses combine fun interactivity, a deep dive into yoga education, and proven tips and tools for building a profitable yoga business.
My head hits the pillow every night feeling excited, knowing that we’re not only creating incredibly compassionate yoga teachers, but also providing them with the tools, techniques and teachings to create a profitable, impactful yoga career.
Training online is the best way to learn. Access top quality content from world-renowned instructors from the comfort of home. Invest in an asset in which you can pause, rewind, and own forever.

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