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About 遠距健康互動平台

The trend of medical care in all countries hopes to create a patient-centered future hospital, clinic, pharmacy and care unit through "integration of information technology into medical care". It hopes to extend and deepen the patient's medical history and cultivate the basic abilities of doctors and nurses. However, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and care units often want to build a digital interactive medical model, but they suffer from financial constraints and have no extra budget. Doctors want to break the traditional medical model and try innovative interactive digital medicine, but they don't know how to use the functions that existing technology can achieve, and cooperate with traditional treatment experience to make plans for innovation.

        The service professional team conducts demand interviews with hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and care units, and proposes comprehensive planning plans for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and care units based on expected goals, budget, demand equipment, and treatment environment, including software and hardware. Establish and complete education and training for doctors and nurses, and provide a model application for teaching subsidies, assist in applying for a subsidy budget, and accelerate the establishment of a “distant health interactive system” for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and care units.

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