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Tynic Bankroll Management

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About Tynic Bankroll Management

The most important thing when it comes to playing the lottery is certainly your bankroll. This is the money you can afford to play with. This is the money you don’t need for anything else.

No matter what system you play, you always have to structure your bankroll in the same way.

First, you will breakdown your entire bankroll into 4 equal blocks. This way, you will only risk 25% of your entire bankroll and protect the rest of your bankroll if you hit a very bad losing streak.

We added a bankroll security management to our most predictable System . Tynic System for pick 3 it hardly ever passes 15 draws without a payout and holds up pretty much the same for every State. We have two of our best Strategies to make it happen. Each Series you will only play 5 draws. It Starts Only when you see last appeared 10 draws or higher. In 5 draws You will win or lose the series.

All you have to do is Enter the amount you have in the app and it will Show you what to play. It Calculate everything for you.

This is probably the most important thing. This money management is very important and very powerful. Use it to build a solid bankroll on the long run. You have to start small and grow your bankroll. Use this money management with one of the Tynic System Strategies and you will have a lot of success.

Attention- All experienced Tynic System pick 3 players you can apply this same Strategies using last appeared 0 draws to last appeared 4 draws.. The Speed is much faster and more risks.. Remember to find a few states with the shortest longest gap.

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