Tool application to get notifications about Second Life friends, now you can see them online without your account page opening. You can manage your time with knowing when your friends are usually online. So you don't need to stay online all day and night if you want to meet someone.
This is not the chat application, it helps only to see them online, and when they been. To plan your own time.
This application doesn't need your account password and has no Linden Lab code or libraries, so it cannot work with your friends list directly, it doesn't work with chats (no chatting features, no chats history since Firestorm and other viewers store it locally).
But it helps to see people online and manage your time, without spending time in the Second Life all day and night.
All you need - get this application, place the free object in-world (rezz it inside the Second Life. Rezzing is the Second Life-specific term for placing the object somewhere inside the Second Life, into your rental for example (meaning of the term in-world).) and link it with the application by the pairing.
If you don't play the Second Life, this application will be useless, please do not install it.
Second Life in-world tracker you can get for free from the Second Life Marketplace:
After getting it you should place it somewhere into the Second Life and follow simple instructions. Without it, you will not be able to use the application.
*** The application and the in-world tracker object don't use your Second Life password. We respect our customers, so no hacking or illegal things. To pair tracker with the app the random pairing code will be used. ***
No obsessive ads or additional purchases. The complete user manual will help you to use the application easily. We don't share your data with third-party persons.
About all questions or to get some support you can freely contact me through play market or ask my friend Freyadoe Resident into Second Life.
Second Life is a trademark of Linden Lab, Yuriy Yurchenko is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life.
This is not the chat application, it helps only to see them online, and when they been. To plan your own time.
This application doesn't need your account password and has no Linden Lab code or libraries, so it cannot work with your friends list directly, it doesn't work with chats (no chatting features, no chats history since Firestorm and other viewers store it locally).
But it helps to see people online and manage your time, without spending time in the Second Life all day and night.
All you need - get this application, place the free object in-world (rezz it inside the Second Life. Rezzing is the Second Life-specific term for placing the object somewhere inside the Second Life, into your rental for example (meaning of the term in-world).) and link it with the application by the pairing.
If you don't play the Second Life, this application will be useless, please do not install it.
Second Life in-world tracker you can get for free from the Second Life Marketplace:
After getting it you should place it somewhere into the Second Life and follow simple instructions. Without it, you will not be able to use the application.
*** The application and the in-world tracker object don't use your Second Life password. We respect our customers, so no hacking or illegal things. To pair tracker with the app the random pairing code will be used. ***
No obsessive ads or additional purchases. The complete user manual will help you to use the application easily. We don't share your data with third-party persons.
About all questions or to get some support you can freely contact me through play market or ask my friend Freyadoe Resident into Second Life.
Second Life is a trademark of Linden Lab, Yuriy Yurchenko is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life.
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