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Quit Sense

50+ downloads

About Quit Sense

***This app is only available as part of a research study and requires an activation code. To find out about the study / see if you can take part, visit the study website or email quitsense@uea.ac.uk***

About this app
This app is part of a higher education research project funded by the National Institute for Health Research. It is only available to study participants and requires an activation code.

To find out about the study and to see if you can take part, visit the study website: http://www.quitsense.phpc.cam.ac.uk/

More about the Quit Sense App
Before starting a quit attempt, smokers first train the Quit Sense app by reporting where they smoke (e.g., at home, work) and how they are feeling (e.g., stressed). Each time this happens the app uses the phone’s in built sensors (GPS) to record the smoker’s location.

Once smokers start their quit attempt the app sends them personalised support messages on how to avoid smoking. These messages are triggered when the person approaches or spends time in a place where they previously reported smoking.

Quit Sense has other features including a ‘library’ of support messages, a ‘my profile’ section where users can view their smoking patterns (e.g., mood, strength of cravings, situation).

Quit Sense Screenshots