Terms of Islam is prepared for those who want to learn android apps
-Namaz on
Picture ablution, gusl was Ablution, Tayammum, Ablution are ablution Prayers,
Conditions of Prayer, bowing are wajib are Bozan things,
Residential, prayer 5 times a day (morning, noon, Asr, Maghrib, Isha), Friday, prostration of forgetfulness, Accident, Passenger,
Istikhar to, Congregational, Rosary, holidays, funeral Teheccüt, mid-morning,
Evvâbîn, Tahiyyetü'l-mosque, after the ablution and gusül, Journey to the outlet and the return journey,
HACET vetövb Prayer of Surah Reading Order, Adhan prayer.
Prayers and suras
Sübhânek to, Ettehıyyât of Allahumma Salli, Allahumma Barik, the Rabbenâ manufactures, Rabbenâğfirl of
Kunut Praying-1, Praying for Kunut
Fatiha to, Elephant, Quraish, mahogany, Kawthar, Kâfirûn,
Nasr, Tebbet, Ihlas, felak, Nas, Ya Sin,
Ad-Dukhan, Fatah, the Most Gracious, in fact, to Cumene, Property,
The unsparing, Naba 'Women, Asr, and Humaza Surah.
Alif, Lam, Meem n (Al-Baqarah / 1-5), Ayete'l Kursi n (Al-Baqarah / 255), the Amen-Rasul n (Al-Baqarah / 285-286), Hüvallahüllez n (Hashr / 22- 24).
Characteristics of Ramadan, fasting what it is called, The Obligation of Fasting, other heavenly religion in Lent,
Provision of fasting, why do we fast im?, Wisdom and Benefits of Fasting, Fasting Protect from Evil,
Beautify our moral Fasting, Fasting Makes People Healthy, Fasting Teaches the Blessing of the Securities,
Social Benefits of Fasting, Mediocre with fasting, fasting Dawn, Ramadan Fasting How many days,
How to Determine Ramadan, fasting Who amount, terms of Lent Eda,
Cheers Terms of fasting, Lent type of fasting on When and How to intent,
What happened to the mustahab fasting, Sahr and Iftar Virtues,
Fasting, Ramadan After Delay Mubah Makes Excuses,
Ransom, accident and Atonement fasting Impairments Guide "Fasting accident and broke Atonement Requiring things,
Busting Guide fasting, fasting with the detestable things, fasting in non detestable things,
Fasting Miscellaneous Provisions Related You Need to Know, İtikâf, Qadr, Fitre (Payment of Charity), Day,
Community Importance in Terms of Peace Day.
The Importance of Zakat, Zakat Benefits, Who Gives Zakat, Zakat is given to Kim, who is not given to the charity.
Importance of Hajj and Hajj Who and What Time is Farzan, Umrah, Eid and importance.
40 Hadith, 32 Farzin, Mubarak Day and Night, Day Hayatla Related prayers, Salavat-i-Sharif are.
a) Listening, Latin, Turkish, Commentary, The Virtues of Arabic.
b) Video of the arrow annotated follow-up monitoring of Turkish.
c)) prayer and SD Card downloading feature of the Surah.
d) sharing information with social sharing options.
e) Prayer and automatic repeat for convenience in memorizing the suras.
tapping the icon in the lower right corner of your listening skills icon to black
the event will feature active, the replacement process will remain the same until done.
f) Tabs feature coming automatically from the thick end of the tab in transition.
g) change the sound settings in the listening feature.
h) Ability to change the audio settings on the video monitor.
i) Ability to change the font size.
j) Category Text Color to set the property.
k) Sub Category Text Color to set the property.
l) Background identifying feature (White, Brown, Black) feature.
- Free
100% free to learn our religion or the application is a great way to teach your children.
Now start immediately without wasting time.
Permit access to the Internet ads and is used to download files.
-Namaz on
Picture ablution, gusl was Ablution, Tayammum, Ablution are ablution Prayers,
Conditions of Prayer, bowing are wajib are Bozan things,
Residential, prayer 5 times a day (morning, noon, Asr, Maghrib, Isha), Friday, prostration of forgetfulness, Accident, Passenger,
Istikhar to, Congregational, Rosary, holidays, funeral Teheccüt, mid-morning,
Evvâbîn, Tahiyyetü'l-mosque, after the ablution and gusül, Journey to the outlet and the return journey,
HACET vetövb Prayer of Surah Reading Order, Adhan prayer.
Prayers and suras
Sübhânek to, Ettehıyyât of Allahumma Salli, Allahumma Barik, the Rabbenâ manufactures, Rabbenâğfirl of
Kunut Praying-1, Praying for Kunut
Fatiha to, Elephant, Quraish, mahogany, Kawthar, Kâfirûn,
Nasr, Tebbet, Ihlas, felak, Nas, Ya Sin,
Ad-Dukhan, Fatah, the Most Gracious, in fact, to Cumene, Property,
The unsparing, Naba 'Women, Asr, and Humaza Surah.
Alif, Lam, Meem n (Al-Baqarah / 1-5), Ayete'l Kursi n (Al-Baqarah / 255), the Amen-Rasul n (Al-Baqarah / 285-286), Hüvallahüllez n (Hashr / 22- 24).
Characteristics of Ramadan, fasting what it is called, The Obligation of Fasting, other heavenly religion in Lent,
Provision of fasting, why do we fast im?, Wisdom and Benefits of Fasting, Fasting Protect from Evil,
Beautify our moral Fasting, Fasting Makes People Healthy, Fasting Teaches the Blessing of the Securities,
Social Benefits of Fasting, Mediocre with fasting, fasting Dawn, Ramadan Fasting How many days,
How to Determine Ramadan, fasting Who amount, terms of Lent Eda,
Cheers Terms of fasting, Lent type of fasting on When and How to intent,
What happened to the mustahab fasting, Sahr and Iftar Virtues,
Fasting, Ramadan After Delay Mubah Makes Excuses,
Ransom, accident and Atonement fasting Impairments Guide "Fasting accident and broke Atonement Requiring things,
Busting Guide fasting, fasting with the detestable things, fasting in non detestable things,
Fasting Miscellaneous Provisions Related You Need to Know, İtikâf, Qadr, Fitre (Payment of Charity), Day,
Community Importance in Terms of Peace Day.
The Importance of Zakat, Zakat Benefits, Who Gives Zakat, Zakat is given to Kim, who is not given to the charity.
Importance of Hajj and Hajj Who and What Time is Farzan, Umrah, Eid and importance.
40 Hadith, 32 Farzin, Mubarak Day and Night, Day Hayatla Related prayers, Salavat-i-Sharif are.
a) Listening, Latin, Turkish, Commentary, The Virtues of Arabic.
b) Video of the arrow annotated follow-up monitoring of Turkish.
c)) prayer and SD Card downloading feature of the Surah.
d) sharing information with social sharing options.
e) Prayer and automatic repeat for convenience in memorizing the suras.
tapping the icon in the lower right corner of your listening skills icon to black
the event will feature active, the replacement process will remain the same until done.
f) Tabs feature coming automatically from the thick end of the tab in transition.
g) change the sound settings in the listening feature.
h) Ability to change the audio settings on the video monitor.
i) Ability to change the font size.
j) Category Text Color to set the property.
k) Sub Category Text Color to set the property.
l) Background identifying feature (White, Brown, Black) feature.
- Free
100% free to learn our religion or the application is a great way to teach your children.
Now start immediately without wasting time.
Permit access to the Internet ads and is used to download files.
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