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Curso de ventas y persuasión

APE Team
500+ downloads

About Curso de ventas y persuasión

In the competitive world of commerce, sales and persuasion skills are essential to success in any business. Knowledge of sales techniques and the ability to persuade customers are skills that are not only necessary for professional salespeople, but are also useful in other areas of personal and professional life. For those looking to improve their skills in these areas, there is a useful tool: the Sales and Persuasion Course.

The introduction to sales is a fundamental topic in the course, since it establishes the bases of sales and persuasion skills. In this section, students learn what sales is and the different types of sales. Characteristics that define a successful salesperson and how these characteristics can be applied to improve personal selling skills are also discussed.

The sales process is a key topic in the course, as it covers the different phases of the sales process, from prospecting to follow-up. Each phase of the sales process is broken down into specific techniques to ensure that students have a complete understanding of each one. For example, prospecting techniques and how to approach potential customers, how to present the product or service, and how to handle customer objections are discussed.

Customer insight is an important topic in the course, as students learn how to identify customer needs and wants. Techniques for segmenting and selecting the market are also discussed, as well as market research techniques that help to better understand customer behavior.

Effective communication is another important topic in the course, as communication is essential to persuade customers. Students learn verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, as well as how to ask effective questions and listen actively.

Presentation techniques are essential in the course as students learn how to present the product or service effectively. Techniques are also discussed to highlight the features and benefits of the product or service, and how to use visual and technological tools in the presentation. With effective presentation techniques, students can capture the customer's attention and persuade them to make a buying decision.

Objection handling is another crucial aspect that is addressed in the course. Students learn about the different types of objections that can arise during the sales process and how to prepare to deal with them effectively.

Closing sales is an exciting topic in the course, as students learn how to spot buy signals and apply effective closing techniques. In addition, situations in which the client shows indecision are addressed, providing strategies to handle these situations and achieve the successful closing of the sale.

Customer loyalty is a key aspect of the course, as it focuses on how to create strong and lasting relationships with customers. Students learn strategies to build customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as techniques to manage after-sales service effectively. Methods for generating referrals and recommendations are also explored, harnessing the power of word of mouth to expand the customer base.

The course also stresses the importance of ethics in sales. Codes of ethics in sales are discussed and guidelines are provided to avoid dishonest practices. Students are taught how to build a strong reputation as an ethical seller and how to maintain integrity in all customer interactions.

Enroll in the course and unlock your potential to successfully persuade and sell!

Curso de ventas y persuasión Screenshots