Love minimal yet stylish analog clocks? Or maybe a mix of analog and digital clocks? Then this uccw skin is for you.
* This pack contains three skins in total.
* Analog-Disk: Minimalist analog clock with three layers of disks. Outer white hand shows hour and inner grey hand shows minute.
* Digital-Disk: Hands are replaced by dots here. Outer grey dot shows minute and inner white dot shows hour. Plus a digital clock at the center.
* For remembering easily - white=hour, grey=minute.
8 Touching the clocks will launch stock alarm app. You can change this to launch your favorite app.
* Disk-Weather: Will show current weather condition.
To use this skin, you have to install, apply and optionally edit/assign hotspots to the skin.
Install -
* After downloading the skin app from play store, launch it.
* Tap "Install Skin" button in the app.
* Tap "Ok" when it asks you whether you want to replace app. This step is replacing the skin installer with the actual skin. OR
* If you are using a KitKat device, it'll ask whether you want to update the existing app.
* Tap "Install". When that finishes, tap "Done". Skin is now installed.
Apply -
* You must have latest version of Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) installed.
* Place a UCCW widget of 2x2 size on the homescreen. You can do so by dragging the widget from app drawer or by long pressing homescreen to pull up widget menu.
* This will open the skins list. Skins installed from play store will show up ONLY HERE.
* Tap on the skin you want to apply and it'll be applied to the widget.
* Long press on the widget and resize it as & if necessary.
Edit -
* After applying the skin as mentioned above, launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'OFF'. UCCW will exit.
* Now tap anywhere on the uccw widget. It'll open in uccw edit window.
* Scroll through the components in the bottom half of the screen. Assign apps to hotspots in this window. This IS a MUST.
* You can change color, format etc too (optional) in this window.
* When done, no need to save. That won't work. Simply tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'ON'. UCCW will exit. Your changes will now be applied to the widget.
* If the "Install" step fails; go to Android settings > Security and make sure "Unknown sources" is enabled. Reason explained here -
* To change temperature unit between Celsius and Fahrenheit -> Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings. Here, if "Celsius" is marked, temperature will display in Celsius. If unmarked, Fahrenheit.
* If weather info is not displayed/updated, Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings, tap location. Make sure "Auto location" is checked and that the third row is correctly showing your location.
* You can also tap Menu, tap settings, tap 'weather provider' and change the selected provider.
Mail me if you have ANY issues.
* This pack contains three skins in total.
* Analog-Disk: Minimalist analog clock with three layers of disks. Outer white hand shows hour and inner grey hand shows minute.
* Digital-Disk: Hands are replaced by dots here. Outer grey dot shows minute and inner white dot shows hour. Plus a digital clock at the center.
* For remembering easily - white=hour, grey=minute.
8 Touching the clocks will launch stock alarm app. You can change this to launch your favorite app.
* Disk-Weather: Will show current weather condition.
To use this skin, you have to install, apply and optionally edit/assign hotspots to the skin.
Install -
* After downloading the skin app from play store, launch it.
* Tap "Install Skin" button in the app.
* Tap "Ok" when it asks you whether you want to replace app. This step is replacing the skin installer with the actual skin. OR
* If you are using a KitKat device, it'll ask whether you want to update the existing app.
* Tap "Install". When that finishes, tap "Done". Skin is now installed.
Apply -
* You must have latest version of Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) installed.
* Place a UCCW widget of 2x2 size on the homescreen. You can do so by dragging the widget from app drawer or by long pressing homescreen to pull up widget menu.
* This will open the skins list. Skins installed from play store will show up ONLY HERE.
* Tap on the skin you want to apply and it'll be applied to the widget.
* Long press on the widget and resize it as & if necessary.
Edit -
* After applying the skin as mentioned above, launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'OFF'. UCCW will exit.
* Now tap anywhere on the uccw widget. It'll open in uccw edit window.
* Scroll through the components in the bottom half of the screen. Assign apps to hotspots in this window. This IS a MUST.
* You can change color, format etc too (optional) in this window.
* When done, no need to save. That won't work. Simply tap Menu, tap "hotspot mode" and tap 'ON'. UCCW will exit. Your changes will now be applied to the widget.
* If the "Install" step fails; go to Android settings > Security and make sure "Unknown sources" is enabled. Reason explained here -
* To change temperature unit between Celsius and Fahrenheit -> Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings. Here, if "Celsius" is marked, temperature will display in Celsius. If unmarked, Fahrenheit.
* If weather info is not displayed/updated, Launch UCCW app itself. Tap Menu, tap settings, tap location. Make sure "Auto location" is checked and that the third row is correctly showing your location.
* You can also tap Menu, tap settings, tap 'weather provider' and change the selected provider.
Mail me if you have ANY issues.
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