The application contains the following:
Manual workmanship Hafs:
It is a collection of the novel Hafs from Asim from Shatbya road, designed to facilitate the students of science and trail masters to master the provisions of recitation and intonation, through simplified and accessible views that will communicate information in the simplest and shortest way.
Character Exits:
Presentation of the exits and recipes of the alphabets in the picture and the voice of Sheikh Aref Abdullah Al - Ashi.
1110 A multiple choice question in the rules of recitation by Hafs from 'Aasem distributed as follows:
- Miscellaneous questions: The questions are grouped in 40 stages that become increasingly difficult, and are redistributed each time the user enters, suitable for testing user information.
- Classified questions: The questions are grouped by classification in 27 categories for those who like to focus on a specific topic arranged in a sequential and systematic manner, suitable for learning judgments or review.
- All questions: With the property search for question number or word in question or options, answer the question and share it.
In the various questions the user must successfully pass the first stage to progress to the next stage, and must answer each question in a maximum of 30 seconds making the application fun and interesting. After confirming the answer of each question or the expiry of the time, the application will display the correct answer with additional details intended to communicate information to the user in a smooth and indirect way.
Quranic Library:
A link to read and download more than 15,000 books on recitation (requires Net).
Mastery Directory:
Detailed collection of the novel Hafs from Asim from the road Shatbyp and workshops on Nafi from the road of Azraq (requires Net).
The application is fun and suitable for all ages and levels, as it does not require Internet connection, and does not contain advertising or annoying ads.
Application features
- Save the results of the stages and classifications completed.
- Smart toolbar (widget) to access app content from outside the app instantly.
- Toolbar allows room to move between screens from within the app instantly.
- Advanced search engines.
- Alerts Test yourself: Alerts containing a multiple-choice question automatically sent to you once a day, with the possibility to share or enter the application through the notification.
- Alerts weekly information: Alerts contain useful information automatically sent to you once a week, with the possibility to share this information or enter the application through the notification.
- Overall performance dashboard allows the user to know the average performance.
- After each update of the app, the user goes to the "New in app" screen the first time the app is used after the update.
- Dashboard to control application settings including user modification to:
- App appearance overall.
- Show or hide the toolbar.
- Success rate for diverse and classified questions.
- Time of answering diverse and classified questions.
- Share question and options easily.
- Send suggestions and feedback via the app.
- Side control screen.
- Link to our other apps.
- Lots of features.
Manual workmanship Hafs:
It is a collection of the novel Hafs from Asim from Shatbya road, designed to facilitate the students of science and trail masters to master the provisions of recitation and intonation, through simplified and accessible views that will communicate information in the simplest and shortest way.
Character Exits:
Presentation of the exits and recipes of the alphabets in the picture and the voice of Sheikh Aref Abdullah Al - Ashi.
1110 A multiple choice question in the rules of recitation by Hafs from 'Aasem distributed as follows:
- Miscellaneous questions: The questions are grouped in 40 stages that become increasingly difficult, and are redistributed each time the user enters, suitable for testing user information.
- Classified questions: The questions are grouped by classification in 27 categories for those who like to focus on a specific topic arranged in a sequential and systematic manner, suitable for learning judgments or review.
- All questions: With the property search for question number or word in question or options, answer the question and share it.
In the various questions the user must successfully pass the first stage to progress to the next stage, and must answer each question in a maximum of 30 seconds making the application fun and interesting. After confirming the answer of each question or the expiry of the time, the application will display the correct answer with additional details intended to communicate information to the user in a smooth and indirect way.
Quranic Library:
A link to read and download more than 15,000 books on recitation (requires Net).
Mastery Directory:
Detailed collection of the novel Hafs from Asim from the road Shatbyp and workshops on Nafi from the road of Azraq (requires Net).
The application is fun and suitable for all ages and levels, as it does not require Internet connection, and does not contain advertising or annoying ads.
Application features
- Save the results of the stages and classifications completed.
- Smart toolbar (widget) to access app content from outside the app instantly.
- Toolbar allows room to move between screens from within the app instantly.
- Advanced search engines.
- Alerts Test yourself: Alerts containing a multiple-choice question automatically sent to you once a day, with the possibility to share or enter the application through the notification.
- Alerts weekly information: Alerts contain useful information automatically sent to you once a week, with the possibility to share this information or enter the application through the notification.
- Overall performance dashboard allows the user to know the average performance.
- After each update of the app, the user goes to the "New in app" screen the first time the app is used after the update.
- Dashboard to control application settings including user modification to:
- App appearance overall.
- Show or hide the toolbar.
- Success rate for diverse and classified questions.
- Time of answering diverse and classified questions.
- Share question and options easily.
- Send suggestions and feedback via the app.
- Side control screen.
- Link to our other apps.
- Lots of features.
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