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Food Trainer

University of Exeter
4.2 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Food Trainer

Do you want to eat less unhealthy food? Do you want to lose weight? Then why not try the FoodT app! Download this app and choose 3 types of food/drink you want to consume less of and then play away! Simply press the item on the screen when there’s a green circle and don’t when there’s a red circle.
By playing this game on your phone you will be a part of exciting new scientific research. Each time you play you’ll be contributing to research at The University of Exeter. This app is based on a similar online game, which was shown to reduce users’ food intake and weight after playing the game four times.

The FoodT app will ask you a few questions before and after you play so that our research team can see whether it helps you reduce your food intake, craving and weight. You will also be asked for a few basic details about yourself (age, sex) but the app will not collect any information about your identity. All the data you provide will be anonymous.
All data from the app will be sent anonymously to our researchers at the University of Exeter and so by downloading the app you consent to this (Check the terms and conditions for more information).

The current version of the app is only available in English. If successful, we will look to translate into other languages. For the latest updates and comments about the app please see our facebook page:

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