农历新年是广大华人极为看重的节日。 新年象征团圆与亲情,是一个让大家聚在一起开开心心叙旧,畅谈的节日。 当然, 少不了充满春意与欢乐的音乐来炒热气氛。
农历新年歌首录了许多首必听,必看的新年歌曲和视频。农历新年歌的歌类包罗万象 - 从传统,怀念的歌曲到新式的歌曲,或者是粤语和台语,都可以在这APP找到。你一打开这个APP就会让气氛充满佳节的气息。
- 高质量,欢乐,耳熟能详的新年音乐和视频
- APP包含视频在内
- 歌词包括在内,可边看边唱
- 音乐播放器可让你轻易控制歌曲
- 音乐会自动播放下一首歌, 可选择单曲循环
- 用户界面简单明了
- APP档案小,适合手机容量小的听者
- 最重要的是APP是免费的!!
- High-quality Chinese New Year hits with Music Videos (MVs)
- Lyrics are included in the MVs for you to sing along
- Adjustable music slider to change the music timing
- Media player to easily control the songs. Includes play, pause and jump to the next or previous song
- Automatically plays the next song with the option to loop the current song
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Small file size for those with small phone memory
- Absolutely FREE!! No in-app purchases needed
- This is an unofficial app created by a team of developers who loves these Chinese New Year hits, for fellow folks who also love these Chinese New Year hits
- This app complies with YouTube 3rd party API terms of service.[https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/branding-guidelines]
- This app is not an officially authorised app by the personnel that own these songs
- The creator of this app fully acknowledged that the music in this app belongs to the respective personnel that owns them
- This app is not affiliated with the respective personnel that owns the music
- All videos in the app are provided by YouTube using their 3rd Party Developer API. The creator of this app does not have direct control over the content
- This app followed the YouTube API guidelines and does not require special approval to use the hosted content
Additional References:
- YouTube API Services Terms of Service [https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/api-services-terms-of-service]
- YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds [https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference]
- How Content ID works [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797370]
If you have reasons to believe that your media is uploaded without your permission, kindly liaise with YouTube to remove the content [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2807622].
For any feedback or concerns regarding the app, please contact us via our email in the app and we will act accordingly.
农历新年歌首录了许多首必听,必看的新年歌曲和视频。农历新年歌的歌类包罗万象 - 从传统,怀念的歌曲到新式的歌曲,或者是粤语和台语,都可以在这APP找到。你一打开这个APP就会让气氛充满佳节的气息。
- 高质量,欢乐,耳熟能详的新年音乐和视频
- APP包含视频在内
- 歌词包括在内,可边看边唱
- 音乐播放器可让你轻易控制歌曲
- 音乐会自动播放下一首歌, 可选择单曲循环
- 用户界面简单明了
- APP档案小,适合手机容量小的听者
- 最重要的是APP是免费的!!
- High-quality Chinese New Year hits with Music Videos (MVs)
- Lyrics are included in the MVs for you to sing along
- Adjustable music slider to change the music timing
- Media player to easily control the songs. Includes play, pause and jump to the next or previous song
- Automatically plays the next song with the option to loop the current song
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Small file size for those with small phone memory
- Absolutely FREE!! No in-app purchases needed
- This is an unofficial app created by a team of developers who loves these Chinese New Year hits, for fellow folks who also love these Chinese New Year hits
- This app complies with YouTube 3rd party API terms of service.[https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/branding-guidelines]
- This app is not an officially authorised app by the personnel that own these songs
- The creator of this app fully acknowledged that the music in this app belongs to the respective personnel that owns them
- This app is not affiliated with the respective personnel that owns the music
- All videos in the app are provided by YouTube using their 3rd Party Developer API. The creator of this app does not have direct control over the content
- This app followed the YouTube API guidelines and does not require special approval to use the hosted content
Additional References:
- YouTube API Services Terms of Service [https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/api-services-terms-of-service]
- YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds [https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference]
- How Content ID works [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797370]
If you have reasons to believe that your media is uploaded without your permission, kindly liaise with YouTube to remove the content [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2807622].
For any feedback or concerns regarding the app, please contact us via our email in the app and we will act accordingly.
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