Completist Movie/TV Checklist icon

Completist Movie/TV Checklist

Eddie F
3.8 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Completist Movie/TV Checklist

Search for, keep track of, and rank which movies and TV shows you've watched and/or are planning to watch.

Completist is a movie checklist and ranker, allowing you to track movies from your favorite actor/directors and how many you've watched from them. View info about the movie, including cast, date, genres, similar movies, and IMDB/TMDB links. Rank movies and TV shows you've seen in your own personalized rankings.

This app uses:
* The TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.
* DragListView from Magnus Woxblom which is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, and can be obtained here:
* Completist icon made by Freepik from
* Other icons from

Completist Movie/TV Checklist Screenshots