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Farm Jam

Binary Colours Media
100+ downloads

About Farm Jam

Welcome to Farm Jam, The Hockey Farm’s mobile app. Use this app to stay connected with The Hockey Farm. With this app you will be able to see all the upcoming events and RSVP to them. You’ll be able to get information on what we offer and book our services. You can also join our chat rooms, ask questions, and receive notifications from us. With this app, you won’t miss a thing.

Book and Attend Events
• See a listing of all upcoming events at the farm
• RSVP or reserve tickets
• Get the latest information on events
• Share event photos

Connect with our Online Community
• Chat with the Hockey Farm and other members
• Join forums, team communications, and groups of shared interests
• Read and contribute to discussion boards

Book appointments and facilities
• Reserve a place in courses and classes
• Book time slots on our top-class facilities
• Schedule coaching sessions

And Much More…

Farm Jam Screenshots