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3.9 out of 5

About Write.as

Share your thoughts, keep your privacy.

Write.as is a simple writing tool and publishing platform. There's no sign up — just open the app, write something, and publish.

Published posts get a secret, unique link on Write.as. Once it's there, you can easily send that link to others, or keep it to yourself. In either case, you stay private because we don't collect personal information about you.

Use Write.as to share your thoughts, write a long tweet, make a blog post without the blog, or just keep notes for yourself — Write.as is simple and flexible enough to be your go-to writing app whenever an idea strikes, and always opens to a blank page to start writing on immediately.

If you have feedback or are interested in helping us translate this app into your local language, reach out to us anytime at hello@write.as.

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