Sun Facts icon

Sun Facts

Volker Voecking Software Engineering
4.8 out of 5

About Sun Facts

Calculate times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise (pro), moonset (pro) and more for your location at any given date.

* Provides the following information:
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Solar noon
- Twilight times
- Blue hour
- Golden hour
- Equation of time
- Declination
- Azimuth of sunrise and sunset
- Altitude of sun at noon
- Sun Path during the day
- Solstice and Equinox dates
- Widget for displaying sunrise and sunset times on the Today screen
- Date and time of next solar eclipse

Pro Version (In-app-purchase):
- Moon rise
- Moon transit
- Moon set
- Declination
- Azimuth of moon rise and moon set
- Altitude of moon during transit
- Date of next new/full moon
- Moon Path during the day
- Date and time of next lunar eclipse

* Location from :
- GPS receiver
- map
- list of more than 30000 cities
- WGS-84 coordinates

Sun Facts Screenshots