Dock Clock HD Free icon

Dock Clock HD Free

3.0 out of 5

About Dock Clock HD Free

- 3D Touch - Enabled!
- Best Top-9 clock design’s for your Dock Station or Night Clock
- Free 7 analog & 2 digital clocks whit excellent design
- Just Clock with Alarm.

- optimize for all iPad and iPhone models
- Alarm - very simple to use
- set your optimal brightness.
- Choose Your favorite clock.

Features include:
* swipe horizontal - change design.
* glide vertical - change brightness.
* pinch - change zoom & move (if you need)
* alarm have light accompaniment
* some clocks have individual setting (like clock width & etc)
* random time tap for disable Alarm!
* set 24hour/12hour format of clocks
* 3D Touch - Icon:
- quickly set Alarm
- turn off Alarms
* 3D Touch - in app - very quickly set/change Alarm
* Push Notifications - enable! Alarm remember you in block device!

Support languages:
- English, Chinese, French, German, Ukrainian, Russian


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