Are you thirsty in Armenia? Don't buy bottled water. Free, quality drinking water is available nearby. Just use our application to help you locate a drinking fountain closest to you.
Pulpulak is a free drinking water fountain finder app. A pulpulak (Armenian pronunciation: [pulpulk]) is a public water fountain.
Pulpulaks are an essential part of Armenian culture. These are small, 1-meter water fountains decorated with cultural ornaments. Drinking water originates from 123 spring and 176 artesian water sources. That's why drinking water is famous for its great taste and freshness.
No need to buy bottled water and harm the environment anymore. Simply find a pulpulak nearby and refill your water bottle for free.
Rate the taste and the quality of the water and leave a review.
Pulpulak is a free drinking water fountain finder app. A pulpulak (Armenian pronunciation: [pulpulk]) is a public water fountain.
Pulpulaks are an essential part of Armenian culture. These are small, 1-meter water fountains decorated with cultural ornaments. Drinking water originates from 123 spring and 176 artesian water sources. That's why drinking water is famous for its great taste and freshness.
No need to buy bottled water and harm the environment anymore. Simply find a pulpulak nearby and refill your water bottle for free.
Rate the taste and the quality of the water and leave a review.
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