Victory at Point 209 - Ngarimu Te Tohu Toa icon

Victory at Point 209 - Ngarimu Te Tohu Toa

Kiwa Digital Limited

About Victory at Point 209 - Ngarimu Te Tohu Toa

Perfect for reluctant readers and boys from the age of 10 years, this app is an adaptation of the graphic novel, Ngarimu Te Tohu Toa. The app takes the reader through the story of how Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu of 28 Māori Battalion was awarded the VC during World War Two.

On 26 March 1943, two weeks before his 24th birthday, Ngarimu led an attack on Point 209, a vital hill at Tebaga Gap in Tunisia. Under intense mortar and machine gun-fire, he led the assault up the hill, personally destroying two German machine-gun posts on a crest of the hill. Despite being wounded twice during the night, he and his men defended their position from several counter-attacks. The following morning during a particularly strong counter-attack, Ngarimu was killed. Later the same day, the Germans still on Point 209 surrendered.

This resource was developed in a collaboration between Government, iwi and private sector agencies, and supported by Manatū Taonga - Ministry for Culture and Heritage.

* Swipe-to-Read™
* read-to-me and read-it-myself options

Customize the book:
* record your narration
* colour in the illustrations
* paint mode has a palette, adjustable brush width, and move, zoom and undo abilities

Other interactive features:
* sound effects
* background music that can be turned on and off

This digital book contains narration in these languages: Te Reo Māori and English


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Victory at Point 209 - Ngarimu Te Tohu Toa Screenshots