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AdBlocker(Pro) is an ads-blocking app specially designed for iOS 9 which adopts the newest ads-blocking tech in iOS 9. With single tap, AdBlock is capable of blocking various ads, protecting your privary, speeding the websites with less data cost, improving the experience of browsing the internet.
====== Features ======
* Block ads with single tap, no matter banners or pop ads
* Block analytics and traces, protect your privacy, provide a safer internet
* Block social widgets and external fonts, speed the websites with less data cost
* Update block list online at any time
* Flexible settings for the blocking items
====== How to use ======
1. Install "AdBlocker(Pro)"
2. Go to "Settings" - "Safari" - "Content Blockers"
3. Turn on "AdBlocker"
====== More ======
1. Submit more websites to improve the block list
2. more feedback
Please contact at
Limited Promotion!
Limited Promotion!
AdBlocker(Pro) is an ads-blocking app specially designed for iOS 9 which adopts the newest ads-blocking tech in iOS 9. With single tap, AdBlock is capable of blocking various ads, protecting your privary, speeding the websites with less data cost, improving the experience of browsing the internet.
====== Features ======
* Block ads with single tap, no matter banners or pop ads
* Block analytics and traces, protect your privacy, provide a safer internet
* Block social widgets and external fonts, speed the websites with less data cost
* Update block list online at any time
* Flexible settings for the blocking items
====== How to use ======
1. Install "AdBlocker(Pro)"
2. Go to "Settings" - "Safari" - "Content Blockers"
3. Turn on "AdBlocker"
====== More ======
1. Submit more websites to improve the block list
2. more feedback
Please contact at
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