Washington DOL  WA Permit test icon

Washington DOL WA Permit test

4.5 out of 5

About Washington DOL WA Permit test

Specific for Washington.
Based on Washington DOL Manual.

This application is professionally created for the people who want save their time, prepare in couple hours and pass Washington Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt. This application runs on iPhone/iPad/iPod and doesn’t require an Internet connection. You can download this helpful application and use it anywhere when you have a free moment.


Choose convenient way to study:
- Flashcards.
- List with all questions.
- You can manage what topic(s) you want focus on.
- Hide questions what you already know and focus on the rest.
These tools help you cover all topics and questions very fast

Test yourself:
- Take WA DOL STYLE TEST generated by the application.
- Run a Marathon Test. This test includes all available questions and covers all topics.
These tools help you polish your knowledge and give you an experience of the real test.

- This application collects statistic and provides a tool to display information about your knowledge level of each topic, so you can evaluate your real progress.


Washington DOL WA Permit test Screenshots