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Jan Berkel
4.9 out of 5

About motî

Get definitions for words in 25 languages and boost your language learning efforts with flashcards exported to AnkiMobile. Based on free data, without ads, data collection, tracking or in-app purchases.

The language data comes from Wiktionary, a project which aims to describe all words of all languages in English. In one single application, multiple languages can be installed, currently there are 25 languages, but with over 4300 languages in the Wiktionary project there is ample opportunity to include more in future releases.

Etymologies help to make connections between new and already familiar words in any language installed, and example sentences show words and phrases from everyday usage.

To facilitate faster language learning, your search history is available locally and fully searchable. If you use AnkiMobile you can export flashcards directly from an entry.

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