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RC-AirSim LT

Fabricated Reality

About RC-AirSim LT

Learn to fly r/c model airplanes with this advanced realistic flight simulator!

RC-AirSim LT features:

· Fly with Apple TV Remote or Game Controller.
· R/C Model Airplanes: Electric Park-Flyer and 40 Sized Trainer. Available as in-app purchases: F-15 Fighter Jet, WWI Biplane, Glider, Aerobatic Planes, Electric Ducted Fan Jet.
· Realistic r/c model airplane flight aerodynamics based on NASA flight simulation technology.
· Awesome crashes! Planes break apart in a realistic physics-based manner.
· Realistic engine smoke trails.
· Accurate landings and ground handling.
· 3 view options - R/C, Following (Chase cam), and Onboard camera (FPV).
· 4 channel controls - aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle.
· Optional on-screen Transmitter Sticks HUD.
· 3 control modes: Mode 2, Mode 1, and 3 Channel.
· Field objects to avoid and fly behind.
· Doppler-correct sound.

RC-AirSim LT is a favorite of radio-controlled model airplane pilots worldwide because it excels where it matters most: realistic flight dynamics and aerodynamics!

RC-AirSim LT r/c model airplanes:

· Back 40 Trainer
Classic 4 channel high-wing trainer with plenty of dihedral for beginners. Powered by a .40 size gas engine.

· Slowmowatt
Electric park flyer. Flies very slow so there is plenty of time to react. Easiest to fly! Perfect for beginners using the 3 Channel control scheme. 4 channel control available.

Available as in-app purchases:

· F-15 Regal Eagle
Large gas powered ducted fan military jet. 4 Channel control.

· WWI Flying Ace
Electric scale biplane based on the historic World War I Fokker D.VII. Moving control surfaces and spinning prop. Comes with two paint schemes: Red/White or Blue/Green Lozenge. 4 Channel control.

· Double Helix
Low wing electric sport plane. A great choice for beginning aerobatics. 4 Channel control.

· Madster EDF
Small sport scale electric ducted fan military jet. 4 Channel control.

· Super Dee
Large high wing tail-dragger aerobatic sport plane. Gas powered. Great for low inverted passes! 4 Channel control.

· Emerald Glider
Classic 2-meter wingspan glider. 4 Channels - use the 'throttle' channel to adjust your drag. For rudder/elevator controls only (no ailerons), fly using 3 Channel control scheme.

Tired of "simulators" that feel unrealistic and fly like an arcade game? Try RC-AirSim LT! Experienced R/C pilots say that RC-AirSim LT feels and flies like an actual r/c model airplane! R/C pilots, don't let your skills get rusty when you are away from the flying field: practice with RC-AirSim LT. New to the hobby of r/c model airplanes? Learn on RC-AirSim LT first and make the maiden flight of your first r/c plane a successful one.

Please Note: RC-AirSim LT is a realistic r/c model airplane flight simulator, NOT an arcade game. And like a real model airplane, it will take some practice to master the basics. Luckily, in RC-AirSim LT, plane crashes are free (and fun)!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact the developer directly:

Facebook: facebook.com/rcairsim
Twitter: twitter.com/rc_airsim
email: tim@fabricated-reality.com

Happy Landings!

RC-AirSim LT Screenshots