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About MgmtDNA

MgmtDNA - just the things you need to know right now.

Search online for management books, and you'll get over a million hits - have you read them all? Have you read just 1% of them? We haven't.

What we have done is manage people and teams, led organizations, and coached and trained others doing just that (and, yes, we've read some books!)

MgmtDNA is a fresh approach to helping you work smarter and faster - we've boiled things down to the essentials, categorizing them so that you can dial up the questions that you need to ask yourself to get focused in the moment. Our core atoms? Management, Leadership, Performance, Team, and Organization.

Let's take an example. Say you want to be reminded of what it takes to bring focus to your team? Easy, select Team > focus and you'll find just what you need to know about the following questions:

- How clear are you on who does what in your team?
- Given what's happening at the moment, what can you learn about how you work together?
- If a customer was in this meeting, what would they want you to do right now?

Want to read more? We've got links to key books.

Bottom line: MgmtDNA givis you just the things you need to know right now!

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