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Pace Keeper

Mark DeLaVergne
5.0 out of 5

About Pace Keeper

Pace Keeper is an app focused on helping you stick to a goal exercise pace or cadence. The app plays a short sound at a particular frequency (beats per minute) to guide your movements. If walking or jogging, that means how often your feet should touch the ground.

You can build "plans" which are a sequence of "stages". Each stage includes the following:
- pace (beats per minute)
- beat sound
- volume
- duration
- (optional) beats to silence
- (optional) emphasis beat

A plan can also repeat its stages, enabling some basic interval training / HIIT / tabata functionality.

The audio clips play in the background, mixing in with anything else you like to listen to like podcasts or music. If tracking distance, mph, etc. with other apps - use this app as a side kick to gain consistency in your workouts.

Pace Keeper Screenshots