TimeTrack® is a unique cloud based calendar, time and note tracking system for educational leaders providing a reflective practice structure to examine and improve the impact school leaders have on teaching and learning. Downloading the app is free but full use requires a log-in and user name assigned by the National SAM Innovation Project, NSIP, the non-profit provider of this unique professional development process for school principals and other school and district level leaders.
How was the SAM process created? The Wallace Foundation funded the initial work. Mark Shellinger, a former teacher, principal and superintendent, created the process and tools. The initial pilot showed promising results and a positive correlation with student achievement. The Foundation supported replication, development and research for nine years. Three independent and external research studies have shown the process is highly effective.
SAM services are now provided by the National SAM Innovation Project (NSIP), a non-profit corporation. More than 700 principals and principal supervisors in twenty-one states use the SAM process to improve teaching and learning.
Is the SAM process expensive? No. NISP contracts with districts and schools at an annual rate, or fee, that declines each year as capacity is developed locally. SAM is not a program. It is a professional development process a principal uses to do the good work the school and district has determined will best help students. The first year fee for a school is $12,900 and includes services for the principal, assistant principals and SAM team members. This fee usually decreases by about 30% each year as capacity is developed at the school and district level.
What services are included? NSIP starts with a readiness training workshop for the principal and SAM team. Once the school community and principal have completed the readiness steps, Time/Task Analysis™, or shadowing, is conducted for one week. NSIP then provides two weeks of on-site training and support to implement TimeTrack, the daily meeting and First Responders. NSIP continues this support with monthly visits by a Time Change Coach and professional development support. The annual service fee also covers all expenses for the SAM team, except airfare, to attend the NSIP annual national conference.
How was the SAM process created? The Wallace Foundation funded the initial work. Mark Shellinger, a former teacher, principal and superintendent, created the process and tools. The initial pilot showed promising results and a positive correlation with student achievement. The Foundation supported replication, development and research for nine years. Three independent and external research studies have shown the process is highly effective.
SAM services are now provided by the National SAM Innovation Project (NSIP), a non-profit corporation. More than 700 principals and principal supervisors in twenty-one states use the SAM process to improve teaching and learning.
Is the SAM process expensive? No. NISP contracts with districts and schools at an annual rate, or fee, that declines each year as capacity is developed locally. SAM is not a program. It is a professional development process a principal uses to do the good work the school and district has determined will best help students. The first year fee for a school is $12,900 and includes services for the principal, assistant principals and SAM team members. This fee usually decreases by about 30% each year as capacity is developed at the school and district level.
What services are included? NSIP starts with a readiness training workshop for the principal and SAM team. Once the school community and principal have completed the readiness steps, Time/Task Analysis™, or shadowing, is conducted for one week. NSIP then provides two weeks of on-site training and support to implement TimeTrack, the daily meeting and First Responders. NSIP continues this support with monthly visits by a Time Change Coach and professional development support. The annual service fee also covers all expenses for the SAM team, except airfare, to attend the NSIP annual national conference.
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