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Banksoft d.o.o.

About ZBToken

ZBToken (Zapad Banka mobilni token) je aplikacija koja se koristi za identifikaciju korisnika prilikom pristupa Internet bankarstvu za građane i poslovne subjekte te za autorizaciju finansijskih i ostalih tipova transakcija.

Nakon instalacije aplikacije, istu je potrebno aktivirati unosom aktivacionog koda. Aktivacioni kod se dobija SMS porukom prilikom izdavanja mobilnog tokena. Nakon unosa aktivacionog koda, potrebno je definisati PIN (Personal Identitification Number). Prilikom aktiviranja ZBToken aplikacije, potrebno je osigurati pristup Internetu.
Za korišenje aplikacije nije potreban pristup Internetu (osim kod promjene PIN-a).

Aplikacija ZBToken je SIGURNA jer korisnik koji je koristi treba unijeti PIN koji je poznat samo njemu. PIN se ne memoriše na mobilnom telefonu, čime je omogućena tajnost podataka.


ZBToken (Zapad Bank mobile token) is an application that is used to identify users in access to Internet banking for private and corporate clients and authorization of financial and other types of transactions.

After installing the application, it must be activated by entering an activation code as otherwise it can not be used.
The activation code is issued by the bank when client signs up for mobile token. After entering the activation code, you need to define your PIN (Personal Identitification Number). During activation process for mobile token application user's mobile phone needs Internet access (mobile data). To use the application does not require Internet access (except when changing the PIN or checking bank locations).

Application ZBToken is protected by the PIN that is known only to user. The PIN is not stored on the cell phone, enabling data confidentiality.

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