KABEDON -Never wanna let you go- icon

KABEDON -Never wanna let you go-

Agali Inc.
4.4 out of 5

About KABEDON -Never wanna let you go-

Try Kabedon as much as you want to XD
You don't need much time to play this game, just enjoy when you have spare time!



All girls dream, Kabedon


What is your ideal Kabedon situation?
Please make sure you will play the game till the endings so that you can see the amazing true ending!

To see how the ending like, please play the game!

You can always check your diary to see your hot guys.
You can always check your diary to see your hot guys.
When you compelte all 3 endings, you can also reveal the secret of Kabedon.

Make use Bonus Stage and items to process the story efficiently!
While you are playing, you would find Bonus Stage which allows you to collect more of EXP to feed the character.

You can always get in the Bonus Stage with using special items or sharing your progress with SNS.

Bonus stage is the biggest oppoturnity to gain more EXP.

KABEDON -Never wanna let you go- Screenshots