Word Problems - Learn and practice arithmetic operations icon

Word Problems - Learn and practice arithmetic operations

Sathiyanarayanan Thiyagarajan
2.0 out of 5

About Word Problems - Learn and practice arithmetic operations

***** Kids will absolutely love this app!!! *****

***** Full of colourful animation *****

***** Real word problems *****

***** Covers all basic operations *****

***** Includes clock word problems for learning elapsed time *****

***** Racing games *****

***** Music and sounds to make the word problems more entertaining *****

**** More problems will be coming soon *****

**** Download it now and enjoy the app *****

One of the main reasons that word problems (also known as story problems) are so important for children learning math is the way they show how math concepts apply to real-world situations.

Math word problems are frequently used by teachers in school tests to asses children's analytical skills. One of the important skills required to solve word problems is the ability to visualise. It helps and assists in the general development of kids.

But the real fact is that most of the children now hates word problems. The simple reason being that they are all either too abstract or rely mostly on sweets and pizzas to explain the story. Children would understand better if the word problems are fun, entertaining, relate to their own world and if it tells a story.

This app exactly does that. It animates the texts in the word problems so that kids can relate both. To make it more interesting for kids the app includes music, sounds and games. Practicing this visualisation technique will make them love word problems and will result in overall improvement in analytical skills.

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1. Visual representation of the problem.
2. Fully animated.
3. Covers all basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
4. Learn to calculate elapsed time.
5. Racing games for every topic

Word Problems - Learn and practice arithmetic operations Screenshots