Final theory test Singapore, practice and learn FTT on the go with free trial Singapore driving theory test questions, it is never been that easy to prepare and pass the TP FTT exam.
- large question bank, 420 FTT test questions, it covers almost every topics that you suppose to know for the advance driving theory test in Singapore.
- 3 modes of learning
a. practice all FTT questions at one go
b. practice questions in one topic at a time
c. flashcards for quick review and recall
- immediate result, whether you are wrong or right, you will know the result right after you have made the choice.
- simulation test, simulate the actual TP FTT test, 50 questions randomly picked from the question bank, easy way to evaluate your knowledge and check whether you are ready to seat for the actual advance/final driving theory test.
- no registration is required
- no internet access is needed, no download from server, all questions and tests are offline in your device.
- friendly user interface, you will know how to use the app with intuitive. Swipe left or right to navigate, simple tap to make your choice and answer.
- large question bank, 420 FTT test questions, it covers almost every topics that you suppose to know for the advance driving theory test in Singapore.
- 3 modes of learning
a. practice all FTT questions at one go
b. practice questions in one topic at a time
c. flashcards for quick review and recall
- immediate result, whether you are wrong or right, you will know the result right after you have made the choice.
- simulation test, simulate the actual TP FTT test, 50 questions randomly picked from the question bank, easy way to evaluate your knowledge and check whether you are ready to seat for the actual advance/final driving theory test.
- no registration is required
- no internet access is needed, no download from server, all questions and tests are offline in your device.
- friendly user interface, you will know how to use the app with intuitive. Swipe left or right to navigate, simple tap to make your choice and answer.
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