First mobile app for patients about erectile dysfunction management.
Erectile disorders affect many men (40% over 45 years). It's a sensitive subject.
With iDi you can:
- Make a self- diagnosis of erectile dysfunction .
- Get clear and practical information on the different treatments of erectile dysfunction (pills, local treatments , intra- cavernous injections , vacuum erection device , penile implant)
- Get personal advice to support the most of your erectile dysfunction .
- Invite you to complete a questionnaire in order to better understand your troubles .
IDI's objective is to improve patient management suffering from ED.
The authors of the application are independent of the pharmaceutical industry.
iDi is the winner of the grand prix du jury Doc e'AWARD 2017.
Erectile disorders affect many men (40% over 45 years). It's a sensitive subject.
With iDi you can:
- Make a self- diagnosis of erectile dysfunction .
- Get clear and practical information on the different treatments of erectile dysfunction (pills, local treatments , intra- cavernous injections , vacuum erection device , penile implant)
- Get personal advice to support the most of your erectile dysfunction .
- Invite you to complete a questionnaire in order to better understand your troubles .
IDI's objective is to improve patient management suffering from ED.
The authors of the application are independent of the pharmaceutical industry.
iDi is the winner of the grand prix du jury Doc e'AWARD 2017.
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