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Verdict MMA Picks & Scoring

Verdict MMA, Inc.
4.9 out of 5

About Verdict MMA Picks & Scoring

Join the largest MMA community on the planet. Verdict MMA is the #1 MMA platform and community for scoring, fight picks, and now real-money fantasy contests that we call Verdict Tournaments.

Ever wonder who your friends think will win the upcoming fight? How you or your friends scored a fight? How the world scored a fight? Verdict brings this information to your fingertips from around the world and much more for all your favorite promotions like the UFC, PFL, Bellator, ONE Championship, and more.

Verdict creates a leaderboard every fight night and whoever gets the most picks correctly places on top. This game is free and enjoyed over the world. We now have free MMA Fantasy Leagues. You can play with a small group of friends through a Season. At the end of the Season, the fan with the highest score wins.

We've taken the leaderboard to another level with Verdict Tournaments, the only platform where we've created an experience for MMA fans and no one else. In Verdict Tournaments, you can use your Fight IQ within a real-money game to win large cash prizes.

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